Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Getting crafty...

One of my dollies was donated to iwalkforwater.ca to be auctioned off at a fundraising function to raise money. He was shipped today and nearly went without business cards!

I am currently changing my artwork and my business cards hadn't arrived yet so I got crafty last night and made some!

My parents and my sister arrive on Friday which means things may slow down but I am working on so many projects at the moment that I may not have time for my family... Oh dear, maybe I should give them the kids full time?

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Euro Week - March 21-27

Good morning!
As some of you may know, starting tomorrow, March 21 (first day of Spring in Italy!) until March 27 is EURO WEEK.

To celebrate Euro Week a lot of european etsians are having sales in their stores. I have decided to offer free standard shipping worldwide!

Should you want one of my monster plush, now is the tme to buy....coupon code is ETSYEURO when you get to checkout.


Sunday, February 13, 2011

silly sick season...

yep, it's that time of the year. Leo and I are both sick with sore throats and on ice cream only diets whilst in bed together with our respective notebooks, he's playing racing games (most annoying niose) and I am searching ebay for vintage slips to transform into pretty summer dresses.

I started my monster plush on Friday and still have to finish them....let's hope I feel better tomorrow!!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

I'm back!!

What a year! So many wonderful visitors including family, friends and new acquaintances.

I have now started sewing again and not only......I have some new projects on board which have taken me forever to organise so hopefully I can keep myself focused before the Australians get here at the end of March....oh lordy, lordy....I still haven't manged to get off the extra kilos from their last visit!!

Stay tuned...I WILL be back!
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